Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Documents from Class

Here are copies of documents that you can print if you lose or forget yours.

Pronoun Notes 1

"Dragon, Dragon" Wanted Ad

Leave a comment if you run into problems or have questions!


  1. ms schleicher you need 2 put the unit packet 3 packet definions

  2. ms .schleicher you need to put the spelling unit 3 paccket on here

  3. I know. I'm sorry. I was trying this morning, and the website wasn't working. It looks like it is out again. I'll just list the words, definitions, and sentences for now:

    18. calendar - a table with the days of the month and the year
    I keep track of my life on a calendar.

    19. a lot - very many, large in number
    A lot of interesting things have happened this year.

    20. column - an upright post; a regular feature or article
    She writes a column for the school newspaper.

    Do those answer your questions? Let me know if you need more clarification!
