Sunday, October 31, 2010

Smile Ticket Opportunity

You have a NEW Smile Ticket Opportunity!

For THREE Smile Tickets, you must create a poster that shows the difference between the three adjective questions. 

In order to receive the Smile Tickets, your drawing must:
Be in full color
Be at least the size of a regular sheet of paper
Contain all three of the adjective questions and shows the difference between them

Your poster will be due FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th

Let me know if you have any questions!


  1. hey ms.schleicher how many characters do we have to do for the description and drawing?

  2. You have to write a FULL (physical, relational, and emotional) description of THREE characters. Then you have to draw a portrait to go along with each of the descriptions.

    Hope that answers your question!

  3. it does thank you!

  4. When is it due (^o^)
