Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day Extra Credit Opportunity!

I guess our "no snow" dances didn't work!  The exam schedule will be pushed back one day!  So the new exam schedule is as follows:

Wednesday - 1st and 2nd Period
Thursday - 3rd and 4th Period
Friday - 5th and 6th Period

Here's another snow day extra credit opportunity!

For THREE additional extra credit points, find THREE online games that can help you learn about nouns, pronouns, adjectives, appositives, or prepositions and conjunctions.  You may e-mail me or post a comment with the LINKS to the three websites and (for each site) at least a TWO SENTENCE description of the game and what it helps you learn or study.

Those of you who still owe me missing work, I expect that this snow day will give you PLENTY of extra time to finish it!  Don't forget to turn in EVERYTHING to me ASAP!

This extra credit opportunity MUST be completed by 730a on Wednesday, January 12th!


  1. 1http://www.ezschool.com/Games/PluralNouns.html

    the game is kind of boreing. It helps though.


    It is a good game. It quizes you and if you do good it telles you.


    In this game you have to type in the pluarl form of the noun. It is easy but helpful.

  2. im confused bout the snow day opporyunity

  3. You have to search and find three games online that you can play that will help you study for the Grammar portion of your exam. You then have to post the links to these three games and tell me what they help you study and how the game works.

  4. ms schleicher did you get my post?
